Chelation Therapy

How Does Chelation Therapy Work?

It is a largely hidden fact that the main blood vessel leaving the heart of a healthy 80 year old man has 140 TIMES more pathologic calcium in it than the main blood vessel of a healthy body of ten. By means of chelation therapy, this unwanted calcium (causing a build up of vulnerable plaque, hardening of the arteries, and potential heart problems) is removed from blood vessels and put into water-soluble complexes (chelates), which are readily excreted through the kidneys. Clinical observations reveal, however, that the amount of calcium in bones is not affected by the removal of calcium in the arteries nor is it diminished by the use of EDTA chelation therapy.

What Is EDTA And Is It Safe?

Chelation therapy (using the synthetic amino acid known as EDTA) has been a standard treatment for lead and heavy metal poisoning since World War II. In the 1940's and 1950's, patients taking EDTA chelation therapy for lead poisoning reported improved memory, vision, hearing and smell, and diminished leg and heart pain. Since then nearly 1,000,000 patients with cardiovascular disease have been treated successfully. Further, EDTA has been used as a food additive for over 30 years, the average American consuming between 15 – 30 mgs in their diets daily.

What Put EDTA On The Back Burner?

In the 1960's, prior to the current strict OSHA regulations, workers poisoned by high levels of lead at their jobs were given EDTA tablets by their company doctors to excrete the lead. The government, wanting to get to the source of the problem, ordered this remedy to be curtailed and the working environment improved. Because of this situation and with this order, oral EDTA chelation went into seclusion.

Why Is Chelation Surfacing Now?

Through almost 30 years of comparative case studies, researchers have discovered that oral and IV EDTA chelation therapy (especially when augmented by scientifically formulated nutritive support) improved the functioning of most organs of the body. Recently, biological age determination testing has gained widespread scientific acceptance, which to indicated that chelation therapy improves the functioning of most organs, effectively turning back their biological clocks. It also might be a solution to the newly discovered cause of 85% of the major heart attacks now targeting half of the American males in the United States who are over 40 years of age; plaque.

Preventive Medicine and Longevity Medicine: The Medicine of the Future!

Anti-aging, longevity, and preventative medicine are the future! With our knowledge of alternative medicine doubling every three years and our technology advancing exponentially, we are entering an age where we are able to provably turn our biological clock backwards!

Instruments are now in use that can measure the functioning of each of our physical organs and new high potency nutritional supplements, hormonal balancing, and advanced oral chelation products have become available which can enhance the functioning of our organs and help prevent heart attacks and fight many of the auto-immune and degenerative diseases that are plaguing modern society.

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